Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Journey of Friendship

Someone said, "friends are family that you get to pick".  Well, I love that concept, but I think it goes beyond my choosing, to God choosing for me the people who were to populate my world.  I never could have chosen the delightful, complicated, challenging, mysterious, stubborn, precious, aggravating people in my life without God just dropping them right in my pathway.  The route that my life has taken started so small and it has taken me into places I didn't know existed and into the lives of people who certainly didn't know that I existed, yet the place and the people were just my size.  We fit so well that I didn't want to move beyond that comfortable place into the unknown.  I like cozy, comfortable, familiar and warm up close, I'll see you in a minute relationships, but God  who always knows what I need before I know, of course, has chosen to disrupt my nest making many times.  Making me "choose" His way, sometimes kicking and screaming.  Why can't things stay the same and why can't I braille  the faces of the ones I love for always??  Because He knows that I need some new people in my life to confront the comfortable, cozy existence that I would choose, and I would miss my next best friend.
I have decided that God is populating my heavenly neighborhood with the people I've known through the years.  I don't get to keep them here, but there it will be the sweetest neighborhood - well, you'll know, you'll be there.  I've collected some of the best cooks in the world, some of the most terrific communicators, some of the dearest listeners and some of the most ordinary folk, like myself.  We never get it all said, never get enough time to listen to the cutest stories and surely never enough time to taste all the fantastic food. 
This painting is of my friend, Windell.  He and Judy came into my life 52 years ago and they stayed through the college years, the young married years, the baby years, the pastoring years, the retirement years, the times of celebration and the times of utter sorrow.  In this picture, which represents peace to me ~ he is waiting on Judy while she shops ~ I trust that he is as patient as he appears for I know that Judy has never failed to have a blast wherever life finds her.  She's probably off talking to someone and I can just hear her laughter . . . it always makes me smile.  She's not in a hurry, when she's with you, you're the most important person in the world.  I need Judy in my world and she will be in my heavenly neighborhood!
Having gone to Clovis this week, made me aware of my precious "chosen" family.  How could humans love each other so deeply and not be in daily communication?  It has to be a God thing.  Well, I surely do feel loved this afternoon and I thank the Father for his family plan.  Oh, how sweet to be hugged and lied to about your age, to weep together and to laugh until you would shame your Mother.  Be sure to take the time to give your heart away to another.   We are all so needy when it comes to unconditional love and compassion. 
I challenge you to walk in a plain path with no hidden alcoves, let yourself get hurt and then heal.  Forgive and repair the breach.  Let God take you where you  wouldn't choose and let Him give you the people that will keep on extending that heavenly neighborhood!
I pray favor over your life today and  always!