Thursday, August 19, 2010


Sunday I read about the pitbulls that had been raised to fight.  The football player who owned them had a purpose and that purpose was not good.  When he was arrested and charged, he was fined 1 million dollars for the rehabilitation of these dogs.  Only two had to be put down and the others are being re-purposed.  There was the cutest picture of an adorable little guy snuggling with a young boy - this pitbull is now a therapy dog, assisting children with reading disabilities.  Talk about re-purpose!!!
For the last few weeks my friend Carol and I have been planning, gathering and repurposing found objects to use for a fun workshop at our annual women's retreat.  The title is "Necessity, the Mother of Invention".  I wish all my buddies could be here in this kitchen with us as we scrub off labels, remove tags, glue stray strands, paint, staple and a meriad of other task to re-purpose these mis-used treasures.  The whole purpose of our work is to teach other women how to take their circumstances,caused by  this economy that we're all adjusting to and re-purpose our lives.
It really  doesn't matter how mistreated we have been in the past, if we can bring our broken, bent and scratched-up souls to the Master, He can take all that we're not and repurpose us to become all that He dreamed we could be. 
I want Him to "Re-Purpose" me today.  I want to give Him  all my scratched, dented and warped stuff and let him sand it, re-weave it, paint it and staple some of the parts that can handle some more holes, into a repurposed, useful object.  Loved and whole again. 
I wrote in my journal this week, "Brokeness brings the Breakthrough".  I guess another way to say all that I've said is, the breakthrough that we all long for comes from yielding our brokeness to God and letting Him "Re-Purpose" us into His Purpose, which was the plan all along.
My day is calling and it won't happen if I don't get out of this gown and into my get-going duds.
Happy Re-Purposing to you today


  1. As always, for my soul on the EXACT day I need it. Thank you for sharing your heart. I soak it up like a sponge.

    Love to you today,

  2. I suppose that is what I do when I go on the 127 yard sale trip!
    Bought an old mirror for $10....honey said "what in the world do you want that mirror for?" It needed to be re-silvered, the frame was from an old dresser that had several places where it was chipped and it was heavy to hold. I said" I have a place for that" ...guess what? Everyone who sees where I put it says "that is beautiful, where did you get that!" Re purpose! Love it!!!!
