Saturday, August 21, 2010

Imagination over memory

In about 11 days I'll be 70.  I love the idea of this new era of my life.   I read these words recently, "One of the best things about aging is being able to watch imagination overtake memory".   I'm beginning to image some wonderful things for these beautiful years.
 I didn't bake this cake from memory, but I did imagine how it would look finished. 
 I can't remember the name of every person in every church that Gerald ever pastored, but I can close my eyes and see their smiles and I can reach out my heart and imagine  their spirit.  I thought the other day how awesome it would  be in heaven to see all those people from all those churches together, making up the body of Christ that I have known  through the years. 
 I can't recite the scriptures that I've poured into my soul through the years, but I can imagine how it has built a relationship between me and Jesus that is second to none. 
 I can't remember all the things that my parents told me through the years, but I can imagine them looking over the banisters of heaven and saying, "Look at that, she did remember!"  
 I can't remember all the grammar that I studied in school, but in my imagination I can see a book that God will allow me to write. 
 I can't remember all the art lessons that I ever took, but somehow when I paint my imagination takes over about mid-way and the fun kicks in.
  I can't remember meals that I cooked last week,  but when I get the  skillet out ~ imagination takes over and low and behold we've got something good to eat.  I used to say  I had Gerald trained - when he got hungry he was just to go get in the car.  I'm trying to break that habit.
I'm going to let my imagination run wild for awhile and just see what I can get into ~ I bet you can do that too.  Let's surprise ourselves with the joy of being a child again - a child in the Fathers' House, where there are no limits and no doubts,  just full imagination  ahead.  Let the fun begin!

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