Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Timeless Tide

This is the beach at Longboat Key, Fl.  The whole island is too beautiful to take in -
Watching the water wash up onto the beach was so relaxing -  I wanted to collect shells and sit and stare at the never ending tide with it's waves moving in and then back out.  How like eternity - only God could make something so beautiful and renewing to my spirit!    I could have stayed there for hours -  Maybe in heaven there will be a beach for me to sit on, even close enough to the water to have the waves wash up around me  and over me - I would like that. . . do you think when the meek inherit the earth such things will be included, such things as our desires for the simple timeless stuff?


  1. Of course my shall have the desires of your heart....God made the oceans to be enjoyed , washing the tired bones of life. Love you and glad you are home...

  2. Im holding out for an en-exhaustible body, one that I can run and jump and roll around with endlessly without ever growing tired.
